

Invitation tells about how to invite or ask someone to come along or join a particular program or activity.

classification of Invitation

1.Verbal Invitation


a.Formal : Use formal language and letter head

b.Informal: not use formal language and leteer

How to invite someone:

- I would like you to….

- We would be pleased if you could…

- Would you please attend my party tonight?

- Would you like to…..?

- Shall we…?

- How about…?

- If you don’t mind, please come to house tomorrow

- Let’s have dinner together with me tonight

- Would you mind coming to my birthday party?

How to accept an invitation :

- O.K.!

- I would love to

- I will come

- Thank you, Yes, I would like to…

- Yes, I would. Thanks.

- That would be very nice. Thank you

- All right!

How to refuse/decline an invitation :

- I would love to, but…

- That’s nice/great. Unfortunately/However…

- That’s very kind of you, but…

- Sorry, that wouldn’t be possible. Thanks anyway

- I’m afraid I can’t

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